The Philosophy And Reasons Of The Occultation
By: Mohammad H. Yusofi Gharavi I. Sheik Koleini and the Reasons of the Occultation Sheik Koleini wrote the great book of Al-Kafi about forty years after the occultation. Eight chapters of this book are on Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance) two of which are about his occultation. He has mentioned some of the reasons for the Imam’s occultation in the first of these two chapters: II. Sheik No’mani and the First Book on the Occultation Abu Abdillah Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim Al-No’mani, was Kolaini’s student. He thought all of what Kolaini had narrated about the occultation was not sufficient for clearing all obscurities, doubts, and disputes aboutRead More →