Du‘a’ Imam Al-‘Asr (‘ATFS)
Bismillahi ’r-rahmani ’r-rahim(In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful)Allahumma’rzuqna tawfiqa’t-ta‘ah wa bu‘da’l-ma‘siyah(O Lord! Give us firmness in obedience, aloofness from sins,)Wa sidqu’n-niyyah wa ‘irfan al-hurmah(sincere intention, and the knowledge of all that is held with respect to You.)Wa akrimna bi’l-huda wa’l-istiqamah wa saddid as-sinatana bi’s-sawab wa’l-hikmah(O Lord Bestow on us steadfastness, guidance and wisdom, and let our tongues speak the truth.)Wamla’ qulubana bi’l-‘ilm wa’l-ma‘rifah(Fill our hearts with knowledge and learning.)Wa tahhir butunana min al-haram(Keep us from filling our stomach with unlawful food.)Wash-shubhati wa’kfif aydiyana ‘ani’z-zulm wa’s-sariqah(Keep our hands from oppressing and stealing.)Waghdud basarana ‘ani’l-fujur wa’l-khiyanah(Blind our eyes from witnessing immorality and debauchery.)Wa’sdud asma‘anaRead More →