Charitable Nature Of Imam Husayn (‘A)
The Imam was very much charitable and he gave away a lot in charity and alms. His Eminence had inherited some land and other things. So before they could come in his possession he gave them away in charity. 1 He used to distribute food to the destitute of Medina during the darkness of the night 2 and except for divine rewards and Allah’s proximity he had no other aim. We have presented above many examples of his charitable deeds of the Holy Imam (‘a). 3 References:Daimul Islam 2/339[↩]Tadkiratul Khawaas Pg. 264[↩]The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a); Research and Analysis, Baqir Sharif al-Qurashi[↩][Quran Chapter 30:5-6]Read More →