- Jesus (‘a) said to a worshipper, “What do you do?” He answered, “I worship.” He (‘a) said, “Then who provides for you?” He said, “My brother.” He (‘a) said, “Your brother is more of a worshipper than you are!” 1
- I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah [Imam Sadiq (‘a)] about the best thing by which the servant may draw near to his Lord and what is most beloved by Allah, the Almighty and Glorious. He said: “I know of nothing, after knowledge (ma’rifah), better than the ritual prayer (salat). Do you not see that the good servant Jesus the son of Mary (‘a) said: ‘And He enjoined on me the ritual prayer (salat) and the alms tax (zakat) for as long as I live.’?” 2
- It is reported that Imam Sadiq (‘a) said: “Jesus the son of Mary (‘a) passed by a group of people who were crying. He asked why they were crying. It was said to him that they were crying for their sins. He said, they should pray about them and they will be forgiven.” 3 4