Imam Husayn (‘a) is one of the brilliant stars of the Imams of Ahlul Bayt (‘a). The qualities of humanity are perfected in him and those qualities have reached to their zenith in him. He has established the torch of this religion and spread the slogan of truth and justice on the earth and established the constructive matters in Islam. In this path he had borne all sorts of difficulties and calamities. He bore all sorts of problems and oppressions from the oppressors of his time in this path; those oppressors, who considered the property of Allah as their personal wealth and those who considered the slaves of the Almighty as their own servants.
When revelation used to descend on the Messenger of Allah (S) on most of the days, he used to look at the purified Imams of his Ahlul Bayt (‘a) one after the other. And he introduced them with their names and characteristics and through general and special proofs. That they are his successors and they are the Ark of Salvation and the security for the people and made them to be with the Great Book of Allah that neither falsehood shall approach it from back or from front. In the past discussion we have presented many such proofs of this and there is no need to repeat them here. Just as we have discussed about Imamate and its necessity as a topic and also discussed about the duties and characteristics of the Imam in the book of “Life of Imam Hasan (‘a)” here we shall refrain from repeating them as there is no need to do so. 1
- The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a); Research and Analysis, Baqir Sharif al-Qurashi[↩]