In this part, we try to briefly refer to the beliefs of different nations concerning this issue:
Ancient Iranians believed that Gorza Sepah, their historical hero is alive and hundreds of angels take care of him until the day he rises and corrects the world.
Islam has believed that someone arises from the east and unifies all tribes of Islam and makes them dominant in the world.
Germans believed that a victorious man arises on their behalf, making the Germans dominant in the world.
Serbian people had faith in the coming of Marco Karliowich.
Jews believe that the Messiah (the great savior) will come in the apocalypse and rule the world forever, but they consider him son of Isaac, while he is clearly the son of Isma’il.
The Scandinavians believe that there will be difficulties for people. World wars destroy most of the communities. Then Odin, the Divine power comes and dominates the entire world.
Greeks say ‘Kal’, the great savior, will come and save the world.
Central American tribes have believed that “Cotzlecomel”, the savior of the world, will be victorious after some major events happen in the world.
Chinese people have faith in someone called ‘Krishna’ as savior of the world.
People of Central Europe are waiting for ‘Bokhes’. 1
- The Twelfth One: Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in the Bible, Quran, Islam and other Religions as the Promised Savior (and His Enemies and Friends), Seyed Muhammad Hossein Mousavi[↩]