In the next scene, we observe a robot-like African child with a heart symbol on his head and an AK47 type rifle in his hand. Next to this child, there is an adult black man who has a symbol of skull and bones on his right arm and an inverted cross has been painted on his chest. In this instance, the robot-like child is activated and moves his head. Simultaneously the adult man slowly loosens the purple colored ribbon or garter, which is tied to the child’s left thigh.
In the first-layer analysis, we should look at the symbols used on the bodies of these two characters. The skull and bones symbol, which is very similar to the favorite symbol among Illuminati groups such as the Skull and Bones, is painted on the man’s right arm. This symbol means death and destruction and is in particular the slogan of the Skull and Bones secret society, which is the order of death.
On the other hand, we see the image of an inverted cross on the man’s chest which again emphasizes the point that this adult man has anti-religious beliefs.
The robot-like face and movements of the child mean that this character is void of independent thought and is just following the orders issued and programmed by his masters like a robot.
We observe that concurrent with the robot-like movements of the child’s body and head, the adult man loosens the purple ribbon tied to the child’s left thigh. But what is the meaning of this ribbon?
This ribbon is a Garter. It is the ribbon that is tied to the left thigh of ladies in wedding ceremonies and indicates their virginity, chastity, and celibacy.
In this scene, there is a stream of slimy green water under the Illuminati light and the Lotus flower is floating through it until in falls into a well.
Afterwards the well is being filled with slime and a man holding a sickle and a hammer is drowning inside it as the Illuminati light keeps shining.
This scene is very complicated and has deep cryptic concepts embedded within various layers by the animation’s director for the followers of Freemasonry and Illuminati. In the first layer analysis of this scene of the animation, considering the symbol of sickle and hammer as the most important socialist and communist symbols, it seems that the apparent destination of this scene is the destruction of communism and socialism across the world.
As for the second layer of our analysis for this part of the animation, the director has shrewdly and maliciously implied Josef (blessings upon him), the prophet and son of the prophet Jacob (blessings upon him) and depicted him as a man being drowned and destroyed by Freemasonry and Illuminati!
In order to analyze this complex encrypted message, we should first head to the animation company’s website. On the website, the drowning man is named Juan or Pepito. Furthermore, it is mentioned in his description that after years of economic exploitation and environmental degradation, Juan (Pepito) has a sinking feeling. In addition, in this scene Juan (Pepito) is depicted as a man sinking in a well.
We should first find the root of the name Pepito. The name Pepito is the short form of the name Pepe, which itself is the short for the name Josepe. Josepe is the same as Jospeh in English or Yusof in Arabic and Hebrew. Then Pepito’s exact meaning is Little Joseph!
As we know, the tale of Joseph has been mentioned in both Quran and old testament of Bible and is very famous. Joseph (blessings upon him) was his father’s favorite since his childhood due to his outstanding attributes. The conversations between Jacob and Joseph in Quran show Jacob’s kindness towards Joseph as he addresses him.
For instance, with the Holy Quran’s verses, when Jacob (blessings upon him) calls Joseph (blessings upon him), he uses the expression “my little son”.
Therefore, the word Pepito or “Little Joseph” is completely compatible with divine books’ accounts regarding Joseph (blessings upon him).
On the other hand, the image of the well filled with rising slime and water and drowning Pepito indicates the story of Joseph and the fact that his brothers threw him into a well.
Besides, the expressions used on the animation’s website regarding economic exploitation and environmental degradation, again point to the Egypt’s situation at Joseph’s time as chancellor during which occurred a period of bountiful rain as well as 7 years of famine and environmental unsuitability with no rain.
Therefore, the elements of “Little Joseph”, “the Well”, “economic exploitation”, and “climate and environmental degradation”, all create a link between this scene and Joseph’s tale. However, the other point, which some of the social science researches have wrongly attributed to Joseph (blessings upon him) is recognizing him as one of the oldest socialist leaders of the world.
This is because in their view, Joseph (blessings upon him) accumulated the wealth of the people (rich or poor) in years with plenty of rain and distributed it among people of various levels in the famine years. This in effect removed the vast differences between various social classes present at that time in the Egyptian society. Considering such distorted interpretations regarding Joseph (blessings upon him), the animation’s director has attributed this subject to Joseph the prophet and linked socialism to him as well.
In the third layer, it seems that after lining Joseph (blessings upon him) and Pepito, the director has tried to scorn prophet Joseph and take the revenge of ancient Egypt’s infidel beliefs from him. Because at his time as chancellor and minister, Joseph the prophet (blessings upon him) had forbidden worship of the many statues and goddesses in ancient Egypt, making monotheism the official religion of Egypt.
For this reason, the director of the “I, Pet Goat 2” animation and his masters who are members of the Freemasonry and Illuminati that have special devotion to the symbols and goddesses of the ancient Egypt, have tried to insult Joseph (blessings upon him) and exact revenge upon him as well for uprooting the infidel order of the ancient Egypt.
The Pepito character, which cryptically indicates Joseph (blessings upon him), has an ugly face. His skin tone, hair color, and messy teeth add to his unattractiveness.
While Joseph the prophet (blessings upon him) was famed for his beauty and his unique attractiveness, which has been quoted in many historical and religious texts as well as poems and works of literature.
On the other hand, Pepito who has fallen deep into the well is being drowned in the slimes that are moving the Lotus.
These images are sarcastically pointing out the fact that contraryto historical facts mentioned about the predominance of monotheism in the time of Joseph the prophet (blessings upon him), infidel Illuminati and Masonic beliefs shall drown him deep within the well at the time of Apocalypse! And this time in the Apocalypse, the little Joseph who is a favorite of Jacob the prophet (blessings upon him), will not be able to climb out of the well and shall be defeated by the power of the Freemasonry and Illuminati who shall become the heirs to ancient Egypt’s pharaohs and infidel beliefs. 1
References:[Quran Chapter 30:5-6] 5. In Allah's support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. 6. The promise of Allah—Allah never breaks His promise, but most people do not know.