Ikmaaluddin: Ja’far bin Muhammad bin Masrur from Husain bin Muhammad bin Aamir from Mualla Ibne Muhammad that he said: When Zubairi was killed, a letter came from Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) as follows:
“This is the punishment of one who attributes lies to Allah, the Exalted, with respect to His close friends. He had presumed that he would kill me while I do not have an offspring. So how did he witness the might of Allah, the Victorious and Exalted?” He sired a son and he named him M.H.M.D. This was in the year two hundred and fifty-six. The same report is also mentioned in Ghaibat of Shaykh Tusi and he narrates a similar letter through another chain. It is possible to remove inconsistency between this account and the accounts, which mention the year of his birth as two hundred and fifty-five, on the grounds that in this narration the said year is the time of the writing of the letter or the year of the murder. 1
Ikmaaluddin: Ibne Isaam has narrated from Kulaini from Ali bin Muhammad that he said:
“The Imam (a.s.) was born in mid-Shaban of year two hundred fifty-five.” 1
Ghaibat Tusi: Kulaini has directly narrated from Nasim that she said:
“When I came to him on the tenth night after his birth and sneezed in his presence, the Master of the Age (a.s.) said to me, ‘May Allah have mercy on you.’ I became very happy; he said to me, ‘May I not give you glad tidings about sneezing?’ I said: ‘Please do.’ He said: ‘It is protection from death for three days.” 1
Ikmaaluddin: It is narrated from Majiluwayh, Ibne Mutawakkil and Attar and together they have narrated from Ishaq bin Riyah Basri from Abi Ja’far Amari that he said:
“When the Master was born, Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) sent for Abu Amr (First representative of Imam Zaman and father of Abu Ja’far Amari) and he came. The Imam said to him, ‘Buy ten thousand pounds of bread and ten thousand pounds of meat and distribute them according to the status of people.’ He told him to distribute it to Bani Hashim and offer his Aqiqah of a certain number of sheep.” 1
Ikmaaluddin: Ibrahim bin Muhammad has narrated from Nasim, maidservant of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) that she said:
“When I came to him one night after his birth and sneezed in his presence, the Master of the Age (a.s.) said to me, ‘May Allah have mercy on you.’ I became very happy; so he said to me, ‘May I not give you glad tidings about sneezing?’ I said: ‘Please do.’ He said: ‘It is protection from death for three days.” 1
Ikmaaluddin: Majiluwayh and Attar have narrated from Muhammad bin Attar from Husain bin Ali Nishaburi from Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Ja’far (a.s.) from Shari from Nasim and Mariya that:
“When the Master of the Age fell from the abdomen of his mother, he fell hobbling on his knees, while raising his two forefingers towards the heavens. He then sneezed and said: ‘Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless Muhammad and his household. The oppressors assumed that the Proof of Allah has expired. Should we be allowed to talk, doubts would disappear.’” In Ghaibat of Shaykh Tusi, this report is mentioned through Allaan from Muhammad Attar. 1