The Holy Imam (‘a) had performed many Hajj pilgrimages. He traveled to Hajj 25 times on the foot 1 even though his mount was present alongside him. 2
He held the black stone and pleaded to the Almighty Allah in the following words: “O my Lord! You Bestowed favor on me and did not find me thankful. And You tested me and did not find me patient. Yet neither You took away the bounties due to thanklessness nor You continued to send difficulties due to my lack of patience. O my Lord! Nothing but kindness comes from the kind one’” 3
His Eminence left for performing the lesser pilgrimage (Umrah) to the House of Allah and became indisposed. His father, Amirul Momineen (‘a) received the news that he was in Yathrib (Medina), so he went after him and reached him at Saqiyah when he (Husayn) was ill. Ali (‘a) asked, “My son!
What is troubling you?” “My head is aching.”
Amirul Momineen told them to bring a camel. Then he sacrificed it and after that he shaved the head of Imam Husayn (‘a) and took him back to Medina. When his illness was cured he returned towards Mecca and performed the lesser pilgrimage of Umrah. 4
These were some incidents regarding the worship and obedience of His Eminence that are recorded in history and biography. 5
- Ibne Asakir, Biography of Imam Husayn (a.s.), Pg. 215, Seer A’laamun Nubla, 3/287. Majmauz Zawaid 9/201. Tahzibul Asma 1/163. Ibne Maghazali, Manaqib, Tradition no 64. Mukhtasar Safwatul Safwa 1/763, Tibrani, Tarikh 3/123[↩]
- Sifwatul Safwa 1/763. Sherani, Tabaqat 1/26. Ibne Asakir, Biography of Imam Husayn (a.s.), Pg. 217[↩]
- Al-Kawaakibut Durriya 1/58[↩]
- Daimul Islam 1/344[↩]
- The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a); Research and Analysis, Baqir Sharif al-Qurashi[↩]