
We will discuss in this category if there is an issue that needs to be explained. In fact, you can see our talks in the news category. We do not have any social pages on social networks except YouTube channel. We communicate with you in this category. In the end, we remind you that if something from us is published in social networks, first check whether we said it on our website or our YouTube page or not.Allah bless you and us.Read More →


In The Name Of Allah أَلسَّلٰامُ عَلَیکَ یٰا عَلی اِبنِ موسَی أَلرّضٰآ أَلمُرتَضٰی السلام علیکَ یا قائمَ آلِ محمد عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف Welcome! Your feedback and comments are welcome and will assist in the future development of the following study. The purpose of this questionnaire is to measure people’s information and opinions about the Promised Saviour. This questionnaire was created based on academic researches and your opinions and answers about the questions of this survey are respected. By answering the questions of this survey, you will take an important step for future researches. Thank you very much and God bless. “Our deepest fearRead More →