While remembering Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), why don’t we utter his real name (due to strict prohibition found in few Shia traditions) and we call him by titles like“Mahdi” ,“Qaem Aale-Muhammad” ,“Hujjat’ullah” , “Baqiyat’allah, etc?
Prohibition from uttering his special name has its roots in traditions. In Kafi, book of Al-Hujjah, Kulaini has opened a chapter named باب في النهي عن الاسم (chapter concerning prohibition from uttering name). He has narrated four traditions in it and Allamah Majlisi, while commenting on these four traditions has authenticated two of them. (Mera’atul-Uqool 4:16) Mohaddes Nuri has brought 13 traditions in second chapter of his book“Najm-e-Saqeb” which all show that it’s impermissible to utter the special name. Here, we shall set forth only one tradition: Aban-ibn-Salt narrates from Imam Reza (a.s.) that he was asked about the“Qaem”. Imam (a.s.) replied:“His body wouldn’t be seenRead More →