‘Ghaibat’, in the sense of absolute concealment from human perceptive senses (the faculty, intellect, illusion and imagination) is exclusive to God only. Aside from this, we also have relative ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment) and in this regard, none among the prophets and Imams had constant presence for all the people in all the societies and each one had a relative presence and relative concealment. Basically, any human-being falls in this category. A group of people meet and associate with him while another group do not do so. In traditions, Imam-e-Zaman’s (a.t.f.s.) state during concealment is likened to the past prophets. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says:Read More →

“Raj’ah” literally means ‘to return’, and in Islamic terms, refers to the return of certain people from the dead. These people may consist of dedicated believers and pure mushriks (polytheists) alike. It has been narrated that after the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (aj) and his establishment of a global Islamic government and prior to the Day of Judgment, certain individuals will be raised from their graves and brought back to this world. Belief in the raj’ah, is a principle founded in the Ahlul Bayt’s school of thought and is founded upon numerous narrations and verses of the Quran. Some of those narrations and verses will be mentionedRead More →