Hijab and the covering of women is so important that Allah has made reference to it in the honorable Quran. In sura Nur Allah has states: And tell the faithful women to cast down their looks and to guard their private parts, and not to display their charms, except for their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers, or their brothers sons, or their sisters’, or their women or their female captures, or male dependants lacking desire, or children initiated to women’s parts. Many believe that the face and the hands from the wrist downRead More →

Mizanul-Hikmah has narrated this hadith from the book Al-Gheybah of Nu’mani. Nu’mani narrates Ibrahim ibn Abdil-Hamid saying (regarding the Shias at the time of the emergence of the Mahdi (aj)): “One who had heard from Imam Sadiq (as) told me: “When the Qa’im (the standing/waiting one, Imam Mahdi (as)) emerges, one who used to think he was a follower of the imam (as) will disobey him and some like those who worship the sun and stars will accept the imam’s wilayah and authority [and join him].” (Nu’mani, Al-Gheybah, pg. 317; ReyShahri, Mizanul-Hikmah, vol. 1, pg. 187; “حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن سعید ابن عقدة قال حدثنا حمید بن زیاد عن علی بن الصباحRead More →


The imam (aj) lives a normal life just like everyone else. What can be concluded from hadiths about his food and clothing, is that they are at a minimum. Nu’mani, in his book of Gheybah, narrates a hadith from Imam Sadiq (as) and Imam Ridha (as) about Imam Mahdi (aj): “ما لباسه الا الغلیظ و ما طعامه الاّ الجشب” (Muntakhab al-Athar, pg. 378.) Also, in a hadith from Imam Husein (as) it is said that Imam Mahdi’s (aj) clothing is rough and harsh and his food is barley. (Ibid, pg. 619.) (Islamquest)Read More →

The reason for why the Shia do such, can be the following two hadiths: 1- In the famous hadith of Di’bil Khoza’i, the poet of the Ahlul-Bayt, it has been mentioned that when he was reciting his famous poem for Imam Ridha (as) and he reached the part that says Imam Mahdi’s emergence is for sure and that it will be in Allah’s (swt) name and with His bounties, the imam (as) put his hand on his head and arose in respect, praying for the emergence of Imam Zaman (aj). (Abdul-Husain Ahmad Amini Najafi, Al-Ghadir, vol. 2, pg. 361; Sheikh Abbas Qommi, Muntahal-Amal, fourteenth chapter, chapterRead More →

After researching Shia references, this hadith was nowhere to be found and the only place it has been mentioned is in the book of Mizanul-I’tidal. The hadith says: “إن خرج الدجال تبعه من کان یحب عثمان” (If the Dajjal ever appears, his followers will all be lovers of Uthman). (Abi Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Uthman, Mizanul-I’tidal fi Naqdil-Rijal, vol. 2, pg. 107.) This hadith has been reported by a narrator by the name of Zayd ibn Wahab and what is interesting is that this hadith has been considered one of his weak points and reasons for him being an unreliable narrator. (Mizanul-I’tidal, vol. 2, pg. 107.) Nevertheless,Read More →

According to hadiths, after the return of Imam Mahdi (aj), Prophet Isa (pbuh) will descend onto the earth by the will of Allah (swt), and will pray behind the imam (aj) as one of his companions in everyone’s presence. (Muqaddas Shafe’i, Aqdul-Durar, pg. 292.) The prophet of Islam (pbuh) has been narrated saying: “By the one who sent me as the true giver of glad tidings, if even only one day remains for the life of this world, Allah (swt) will make that day so long so that my son, [Imam] Mahdi will emerge; Isa, “the spirit of God” will reveal and pray behind him, the worldRead More →

The existence of the infallibles brings many benefits; some of them belonging to normal conditions when they are available. Yet, one mustn’t perceive that if an imam goes into occultation, his existence will be no longer of any benefit to the people. With help from hadiths and the sayings of great scholars on this issue, we will list some of the major benefits of an imam in occultation: 1- The upholding of clear signs and proof No matter in occultation or amongst the people, the imams are the “proof” [hujjah]of Allah (swt) in this world [meaning that Allah (swt) has sent them to be followed,Read More →

Before answering this question, explaining some hadithic terms is necessary: A) Mutawatir Hadith: Mutawatir literally means for things to come one after another, without any interval between them and in hadithic terms, refers to a hadith that has been narrated by a group of narrators that one can be definite haven’t all agreed on forging and lying about altogether. Any hadith with such a trait will surely make its reader certain that it is true. In other words, Shia scholars consider a hadith mutawatir, when the number of narrators in every level of its chain of narrators reach a degree in which causes complete satisfaction and certaintyRead More →

One of the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as) (Of course this sign has been counted as one of the signs of the Day of Judgement (Sunan Tirmidi, vol.4, pp.507-519; Sunan Abi-Dawud, vol.4, pg.115; Sahih Muslim, vol.18, pp.46 and 81), yet in Shia hadith sources it has been counted as one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Judgment (Biharul-Anwar, vol.6, pg.296, chapter 1 (The signs of the hour (Day of Judgment) and the story of Ya’juj) and also the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as). There is no problem in this sign being both the sign of the Day of Judgment andRead More →