Undoubtedly, there exists the possibility of meeting Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) during the major concealment. The best proof is the occurrence of such incidents in the length of history of the major concealment. The writings of scholars of Hadith , right from the oldest books till the current ones, are full of narrations about such meetings that have occurred during minor and major concealment period. The vital point lies here that whether such meetings and contacts occur as per our wish and intention, or the discretion lies with Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)? Experience reveals as well as the sentence of Imam’s ‘Tauqee’ addressed to Ali-ibn-Muhammad Samiri showsRead More →

It is not always easy for the human to understand the real cause and nature of the Islamic commandments. When the Imams (a.s.) were asked about the reason for ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment), they replied: ‘Allah knows’ or they quote this verse:“Do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you.” (Qur’an, 5:101) (Bihra-ul-Anwar 52:92) This is because the absolute reason and various dimension of any affair is unknown to all but Allah. Thus, the reason (cause) for ‘Ghaibat’ is a matter which either present or absent, ‘Ghaibat’ revolves around that matter. By its presence, ‘Ghaibat’ continues to prevail and by its absence orRead More →

‘Ghaibat’, in the sense of absolute concealment from human perceptive senses (the faculty, intellect, illusion and imagination) is exclusive to God only. Aside from this, we also have relative ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment) and in this regard, none among the prophets and Imams had constant presence for all the people in all the societies and each one had a relative presence and relative concealment. Basically, any human-being falls in this category. A group of people meet and associate with him while another group do not do so. In traditions, Imam-e-Zaman’s (a.t.f.s.) state during concealment is likened to the past prophets. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says:Read More →