Ahlul-Bayt is a Quranic, Hadith, and theological term meaning the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam (s). This term with this meaning has been used in the Quran in the verse of purity (33:33): انما یرید الله لیذهب عنکم الرجس اهل البیت و یطهرکم تطهیرا”” (Verily Allah desires to rid you of impurities, Ahlul-Bayt, and purify you; a through purification) Theologians, traditionalists, and commentators on the Quran have used the term Ahlul-Bayt which has been used in the Quran in a special way. There are differences of opinions amongst the commentators of the Quran, the traditionalists, and the theologians regarding who are included inRead More →

Ahl al-Bayt is a Quranic, Hadith, and theological term meaning the family of the Noble Prophet of Islam (s). This term with this meaning has been used in the Quran in the verse of purity (33:33): انما یرید الله لیذهب عنکم الرجس اهل البیت و یطهرکم تطهیرا Verily Allah desires to rid you of impurities, Ahl al-Bayt, and purify you; a through purification The lexical meaning of ahl means love and closeness (Fayūmī, Misbāh al-Munīr, p.28) and bayt means a place of living. (Ibid, p.68) The lexical meaning of Ahl al-Bayt is a person’s family who he is close to (Ibid) but, in a more general sense, it includesRead More →

Ahlul-Bait, as a Quranic, traditional, and theological term means the Prophet’s family (s). This term has been used to mean this in the verse of purity (33:33): “Verily, Allah desires to rid you of all impurities, Ahlul-Bait, and purify you a thorough purification.” («انما یرید الله لیذهب عنکم الرجس اهل البیت و یطهرکم تطهیرا») Commentators of the Quran say regarding this verse that what is meant by Allah’s desire is a natural desire (Al-Mīzān (Farsi edition), v.16, p.467) because Allah’s legislative desire has been coupled with the purity of all humans. Everyone is able to reach purity from sin by obeying the teachings and rulings of Allah,Read More →

The best approach in proving the Imamate of Imam Ali (as) for followers of the Sunni school of thought is through means of what has been mentioned in the Quran and narrations which have been mentioned in their own sources. In order to do this, one should thoroughly understand that which is presented in verses of the Quran. Meaning, the content of the verse, the context in which it is introduced, instances it refers to, etc. should all be considered in detail. In the Holy Quran there are many verses which make reference to and establish the Imamate of Ali (as) and the other Imams.Read More →


In order to enter the main discussion and draw a precise conclusion, it would be necessary to first read the following preface. Knowledge of Imam (a.s.): If we examine the resources and teachings available concerning the traits and characteristics of the pure Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.), it is clearly inferred that the infallible Imams are informed about people’s actions and deeds, and in specific situations and circumstances, they take action to guide them and mend their behavior. Given the Imam’s important responsibility in terms of Islamic insight in the system of the universe and in the Islamic society and that the people are under the obligation toRead More →