If we study the life of Imam Hussein (a.s.), the events he witnessed, and the circumstances which beset him, we will easily detect the fact that he had no chance whatsoever of scoring, materialistically speaking, a victory over the oppressive authorities of the Ummayyads. Even those Kufans who wrote to him, were not trusted by him. He declared his opposition to the rule of Yazid before the arrival of the Kufans’ envoys and messages.He announced his first communiqué in the city of his grandfather, Muhammad (s.a.w.), whereas he heard of the Kufans’ committment to his cause while in Mecca, i.e. after his declaration of oppositionRead More →
Signs of Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (Part 5)
Signs of the Uprising of the Qaim of Aale Muhammad (a.s.) “Five signs will be seen before the uprising of the Qaim: Arrival of the Yemenite man, Sufyani, Call from the sky, Sinking of the ground in Baidha desert and Killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse Zakiyyah).” 1 “There will be only a gap of fifteen days between the rising of the Qaim of Aale Muhammad and the killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse Zakiyyah).”This traditional report is also mentioned in Ghaibat Shaykh and Irshad Mufeed. 1 “Indeed the advent of Sufyani is a certain matter and it shall take place in the month ofRead More →