Causes Of Occultation Of Imam Mahdi (A.T.F.S)
The occultation of His Eminence, the Master of the age (a.s) is a necessary thing and His Eminence is not needless of it. We shall discuss those factors that rendered it an absolute necessity. 1. FEAR OF TYRANNICAL ABBASIDE REGIME When Abbaside rulers gained power they initiated the worst of atrocities and tortures on the Holy Imams (a.s). Basically they considered the school of Ahle Bayt (a.s) and anyone who was their adherents to be eligible for extreme pressure and restrictions. They were thrown into horrible prisons and then put to death. Poets and historians have drawn a pathetic picture of the perilous circumstances sufferedRead More →
The Condition Of Shias Before Reappearance
Our Master, the Chief of the Believers, Imam Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.) says: “The world is a prison for the believers and heaven for the disbelievers.” The Holy Infallibles (a.s.), in their traditions and narration, have often condemned love for this material world. They (a.s.) have warned the believers, time and again with words like “the heart which is filled with the love for this world can never attain the love for the hereafter.” The reason being that man is so fascinated by looking at the adornments of this world that he forgets his True Creator, his objective and purpose of life. Therefore Imam AliRead More →
Du‘a’ Imam Al-‘Asr (‘ATFS)
Bismillahi ’r-rahmani ’r-rahim(In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful)Allahumma’rzuqna tawfiqa’t-ta‘ah wa bu‘da’l-ma‘siyah(O Lord! Give us firmness in obedience, aloofness from sins,)Wa sidqu’n-niyyah wa ‘irfan al-hurmah(sincere intention, and the knowledge of all that is held with respect to You.)Wa akrimna bi’l-huda wa’l-istiqamah wa saddid as-sinatana bi’s-sawab wa’l-hikmah(O Lord Bestow on us steadfastness, guidance and wisdom, and let our tongues speak the truth.)Wamla’ qulubana bi’l-‘ilm wa’l-ma‘rifah(Fill our hearts with knowledge and learning.)Wa tahhir butunana min al-haram(Keep us from filling our stomach with unlawful food.)Wash-shubhati wa’kfif aydiyana ‘ani’z-zulm wa’s-sariqah(Keep our hands from oppressing and stealing.)Waghdud basarana ‘ani’l-fujur wa’l-khiyanah(Blind our eyes from witnessing immorality and debauchery.)Wa’sdud asma‘anaRead More →
Forty Traditions From Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
1. “I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time” 12. “I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny”. 23. “I am the reminder of Allah in His earth”. 34. “I am the avenger from His enemies”. 45. “I am the seal of successors”. 56. And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive away the calamities from my progeny and my Shia’s”. 67. “Surely, I am indeed the (cause of) security for the inhabitant of the earth”. 78. “When Allah permits us to speak, truth will prevail and falsehood willRead More →