Words Of Allah And His Messenger About The Qaim (Imam Mahdi) As Narrated By Shia And Sunni (Part 4)
Allah sends him openly Abu Saeed Khudri says that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: “The Mahdi will rise in my Ummah. Allah will send him openly. The Ummah will enjoy and the cattle will rejoice. The earth will bring forth its plants and he will distribute wealth equally.” 1 Cloud shades him Abdullah Ibne Umar says: Said the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.), ‘The Mahdi will rise while there will be a cloud over his head from which a caller will be calling: This is the Mahdi, the Vicegerent of Allah; follow him.” 1 Angel Over his head Abdullah Ibne Umar says: Said the MessengerRead More →