Narrations of Imam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S.) About The Qaim (Imam Mahdi) (Part 1)
“The Patron of this Affair will have a disappearance. So the servant should fear Allah and cling on to his religion.” 1 I heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) say, “The customs the apostles went through in terms of their disappearances will materialize in the Qaim of us, the Ahle Bayt in the precise and same manner.”Abu Basir says, I said to him, “O son of Allah’s Messenger, and who is the Qaim of you Ahle Bayt?” He said: “O Abu Basir, he is the fifth from the sons of my son Musa. He is the son of the mistress of slave girls. He will haveRead More →