Al-Kafi: It is narrated from Ahmad bin Muhammad Kufi from Ja’far bin Abdullah Hamdi from Abu Ruh Faraj bin Qurra from Ja’far bin Abdullah from Masada Ibne Sadaqah from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) saying that:
References:Amirul Momineen (a.s.) delivered a sermon. He praised and extolled Allah and invoked blessings for the Prophet and his House and then said:
“Allah, the Holy and the High, has not broken the tyrants of the ages but after giving a respite and leisure. He has not healed the breakage of a bone of a nation but after severity and trial. O people, there are lessons in the destructions that are awaiting you and the affairs you have left behind.
However, not everyone who has a heart is sagacious, nor everyone who has an ear listens, nor everyone who has eyes observes. Servants of Allah, have a good look at what matters to you and then look at the scenes of the people whom Allah gave command through His knowledge and they followed the conduct of the House of the Firon and enjoyed gardens and springs, and crops and splendid positions. Then look at what finality did Allah lead them to after a period of deferment and gaiety, and command and forbiddance.
Whoever upholds patience, he will end up in Paradise, by Allah, forever and ever, and Allah holds the destiny of things.
How odd! How do I wonder from the errors of these sects with the disparity of their proofs in their religion. Neither they follow the footprints of a prophet, nor do they defer to the actions of a successor. Neither they believe in an unseen, nor do they forgive a fault. Virtue for them is what they themselves consider virtuous and vice is what they themselves consider vice.
Every man of them is his own Imam, following himself without strong proofs and undeniable reasons. They continue dwelling with injustice and ever increase in errors, never reaching proximity and ever increasing their distance from Allah, the Exalted.
Their affinity with one another and their endorsement of one another, all of that is on the virtue of their fear from what the Apostle has bequeathed and to flee from the message of the Creator of the heavens and the earth, which the Apostle has brought to them.
They are people of contrition, cavities of doubts, and dwellers of illusion and misguidance and doubts. A person who is left by Allah, abandoned to himself and his own opinion, he is only seen secure by someone who does not know him and is not suspected by someone who does not recognize him. How similar are these people to the cattle whose shepherd has disappeared from them!
Alas from the deeds of our Shia after their today’s close love!
How they will disgrace one another after me and will kill each other dispersedly tomorrow while they are removed from the principal and are holding on to the inferior hopes of an opening. Each party of them will hold a certain branch and will lean to whichever direction the branch will lean to. However, Allah, glory to His name, will gather them for the worst day of the Umayyads, as autumn collects clouds. Allah will then bring them together on love and then will gather them in masses like masses of clouds. Then He will open gateways for them. They will spring out from their ambushes like the flood of the two gardens [of Saba’] – the flood of the mighty dam of Iram, when a rat made a hole in it and neither highlands withstood against it, nor did strong mountains repulse its flow. Allah will then scatter them in the valleys and will make them flow as springs on earth. He will take the rights of one nation through them from another. He will settle a nation through them in the place of another nation to chase away the Umayyads and that they may not continue to usurp what they have usurped. Allah will destroy through them pillars and will destruct through them the mighty structures of Iram and inhabit with them the midlands of Zaytun.
“I take a solemn oath by the Soul Who split the seed and created the nations, this will happen. As if I hear the neighing of their horses. By Allah, all the treasures in their hands after their rise and might in the lands will dissolve as fat melts on fire. Whoever of them dies, will die a pagan and to Allah, the Exalted, will be eventually taken whoever of them remains. And Allah, the Exalted, will forgive anyone who repents. Perchance, Allah will bring together my Shia after dispersion for their worst day. The choice is for none; rather, Allah makes the choice and determines all destinies.
“O people, claimants of Imamate who do not deserve it are many. If you do not abandon the bitter truth and do not faint from disparaging the wrong, those who are not like you will not be bold against you and those who are showing strength over you will not become strong over you in order to end and sideline obedience to Allah. However, you went astray as did Bani Israel during the time of Prophet Musa (a.s.). By my life, your perplexity and misguidance will increase after me manifolds compared to that of Bani Israel. By my life, if you outlive me and the rule of the Umayyads, you will then be subjected to the rule of the caller to misguidance and you will revive the wrong and will leave the right behind your backs. You will sever your relation with the near relations, the warriors of Badr, and will look up to the aliens from the progeny of the fighters against the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.).
By my life, if they lose their scepter, the purging for the sake of requitals will come near. The promise will be near and the period will be ending. The bright comet will appear to you from east and that bright moon will shine to you. When that happens, turn to repentance and beware that if you follow the Star from the East, he will lead you on the path of the Messenger (a.s.). He will heal your blind, dumb and deaf. He will save you the toils of search and misguidance. The great burdens will be removed from your necks. Allah does not cast away anyone but the one who defies and oppresses and goes astray and takes what does not belong to him. And soon will know those who acted unjustly, which final end they will turn to.” 1
- The Promised Mahdi (English Translation of Biharul Anwar volumes on Imam Mahdi a.s.) – Part I, Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi [r.a.][↩]