Undoubtedly, there exists the possibility of meeting Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) during the major concealment. The best proof is the occurrence of such incidents in the length of history of the major concealment. The writings of scholars of Hadith , right from the oldest books till the current ones, are full of narrations about such meetings that have occurred during minor and major concealment period. The vital point lies here that whether such meetings and contacts occur as per our wish and intention, or the discretion lies with Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)? Experience reveals as well as the sentence of Imam’s ‘Tauqee’ addressed to Ali-ibn-Muhammad Samiri showsRead More →

Prohibition from uttering his special name has its roots in traditions. In Kafi, book of Al-Hujjah, Kulaini has opened a chapter named باب في النهي عن الاسم (chapter concerning prohibition from uttering name). He has narrated four traditions in it and Allamah Majlisi, while commenting on these four traditions has authenticated two of them. (Mera’atul-Uqool 4:16) Mohaddes Nuri has brought 13 traditions in second chapter of his book“Najm-e-Saqeb” which all show that it’s impermissible to utter the special name. Here, we shall set forth only one tradition: Aban-ibn-Salt narrates from Imam Reza (a.s.) that he was asked about the“Qaem”. Imam (a.s.) replied:“His body wouldn’t be seenRead More →

It is not always easy for the human to understand the real cause and nature of the Islamic commandments. When the Imams (a.s.) were asked about the reason for ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment), they replied: ‘Allah knows’ or they quote this verse:“Do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you.” (Qur’an, 5:101) (Bihra-ul-Anwar 52:92) This is because the absolute reason and various dimension of any affair is unknown to all but Allah. Thus, the reason (cause) for ‘Ghaibat’ is a matter which either present or absent, ‘Ghaibat’ revolves around that matter. By its presence, ‘Ghaibat’ continues to prevail and by its absence orRead More →

‘Ghaibat’, in the sense of absolute concealment from human perceptive senses (the faculty, intellect, illusion and imagination) is exclusive to God only. Aside from this, we also have relative ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment) and in this regard, none among the prophets and Imams had constant presence for all the people in all the societies and each one had a relative presence and relative concealment. Basically, any human-being falls in this category. A group of people meet and associate with him while another group do not do so. In traditions, Imam-e-Zaman’s (a.t.f.s.) state during concealment is likened to the past prophets. In this regard, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says:Read More →

The wordings that appear in tradition says: كلنا واحد من نور واحد (Bihar-ul-Anwar 26: 16 & 281) It implies that they nurture from one source of light. In their original creation, they are from one light. In the world of spirits and shadow, their derivation is from one source leading to one truth. That “نور واحد ” one light refers to the light of Allah’s Greatness. Traditions say that the souls or spirits of Imams (a.s.) are higher than “Elliyeen” (A special luminous material that forms the main source of creation of those nearest to Allah and we haven’t adequate information on this subject.) and theirRead More →

Aside from name (which is common amongst all), the Arabs also use title and agnomen. Among the Arabs, it was and still is a custom for an individual to have a name, title and agnomen. Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) possesses one special name: “ م ح م د ” Some believe that during his concealment, one should use his special name and a few say: ‘The prohibition of using his name goes back to the“short concealment period” when Hazrat feared he would be recognized. We have narrated the related tradition in our reply to another query. Hazrat (a.t.f.s.) possesses various titles such as Mahdi, Hujjat, Qaem, Saheb-al-Zaman,Read More →

There exists difference of opinion in numerous vital historical events and incidents such as births, martyrdoms, wars and reign. Difference about birth of someone who was born at the time when tyrant rulers kept strict vigilance over him is something natural. It is likely that in order to save Hazrat’s life and out of dissimulation, the Imams (a.s.) celebrated his birth with such differences and they didn’t reveal its actual truth. Obviously, if the Imams (a.s.) had exactly specified the date before Hazrat’s birth or even at the time of his birth, then the state of Imam Hasan Askari’s family who were severely besieged wouldRead More →

Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) visits few special places and does not visit certain other places. He does not step in places of diversion and amusement although he has control and oversees them and Allah makes him aware about them. One cannot find him in unlawful, immoral and corrupt places. He is particular about recommendable acts. He visits Imam Husain’s (a.s.) grave especially on every Thursday night. He attends the Umra in month of Rajab and visits the grave of holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) and other Imams (a.s.). His special grace and kindness extends over all the religious gatherings of the Shias. The more beneficial and constructive theseRead More →

Firstly, the earth getting filled with oppression is not the only decisive and unchangeable course for ‘Zuhoor’ (Reappearance). Rather, Reappearance has another course too, which lies in the people’s readiness in accepting the just and universal government of Imam. Secondly, the two realities of ‘oppression’ and ‘filled’ are “relative” issues. Thirdly, the mind, the innate nature as well as the civilized call of all prophets and Imams have always been this: ‘Even if the entire world is engulfed in corruption and oppression, one should never withhold from reforming the individual and society.’ Experience too reveals the fruits of these great personalities’ endeavours at such sensitive timesRead More →

Some of the traditions concerning Imam-e-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) describe that time would not turn him old, and he would continue to look young. In one of the traditions it has come down as follows: “Aba Salte Haravi I asked Imam Reza (a.s.): ‘What is the sign of your Qaem (so that one can recognize him)? Hazrat Reza (a.s.) replied: Amongst the signs is that he would be old age, but would look young in appearance. Anyone looking at him would imagine him to be forty or even less. Amongst his other sign is that time would never turn him old until death meets him.” (Muntakhab-ul-Athar: 284, traditionRead More →