The atmosphere in the “I, Pet Goat 2” animation in the apocalypse is also depicted like the ice age, which illustrates its many challenges and hardships.
Hence, attribution of the expression “Keepers of the Flame” to the blue child in this scene of the I, Pet Goat 2 animation is secretly and cryptically indicating that the child and teenage generations, have been trained in Masonic and Illuminati media, to practically become the protectors and keepers of the flames of the evil Illuminati Fire within the current and future centuries and eras.
We should pay special attention to the strange shoes worn by the blue child character in the animation “I, Pet Goat 2”.
As you can see, the shoes are made of raccoon skin, which were quite common among Native Americans and hunters in North America.
In this scene of the animation, the raccoon skin shoes are not only indirectly pointing towards the North American Natives’ legends about the “Fallen Star” and “Blue Spirits”, which are similar to the “L’enfant Bleu” story, but also cryptically conveying messages regarding the symbology of the raccoon.
In raccoon symbology, it is mentioned that raccoons are the symbols of changing faces, shape shifting, secrecy, wearing masks, courage, curiosity, and audacity.
The first mask we see in this scene is a mask of tribe shamans on the blue child’s face.
Shamans were people who practiced witchcraft and treated illnesses within many tribes around the world. For instance, the shamans in Mongol tribes and Middle Asia, African tribes, and Native Americans had a significant position within their tribes. Considering the many scriptures within books and articles, many of the religious or healing rituals of the shamans were done using the spirits or jinns.
The last mask appearing on the blue child’s face is a beak-like mask which resembles a crow.
This mask has two points of significance. One is that the beak-like mask is also known as the “Plague Mask”, which was used by the medieval European physicians. Hence, the plague mask must have played an important role in fighting the disease in the eyes of the people at the time.
We should point out that at the time the masks on the blue child’s face change, a few sea waves appear underneath his feet quite unexpectedly and then disappear.
For instance, the scene in which the twin towers collapse in September 11th 2001, the blue child who was dancing, stopped his dance despairingly and threw himself off the edge of the cliff, into the sea.
Furthermore, in another scene he is drawn back towards the fire from the edge in an unaware state as he is wearing the same tragedy mask.
In contrast, in the next scenes he is seen with various masks including the mask of Kali the Indian deity, then the Shaman mask, the bear mask, and finally the beak-like plague mask as he is dancing around the Masonic fire with great energy and is seen jubilant and happy in the last moment when the Illuminati light shines upon his face.
This sequence of states regarding the blue child character indicates that despite the fact that the followers and devotees of Freemasonry and Illuminati seem to be in a difficult and despairing state at the advent of the third millennia, with the efforts of the Freemasonry and Illuminati followers in preserving the evil Masonic Holy Fire, by the coronration of the Antichrist, and the shining of the Illuminati light, the concerns of Freemasonry followers and trained youngsters of this cult, shall change to hope and euphoria, and the modern Masonic age will usher the era of relief for the Freemasonry devotees.
In the next scene, as an open bright space is shown, we see a hunkering statue of the devil.
At the same instance, we see the opening to a cave beneath the statue through which the Antichrist suddenly exits. Within the dark background, we see its ceiling collapsing and falling down.
The Antichrist passes the distance between the cave’s opening and the open sea with quite the speed, approaching the rising sun. As the boat moves, several Lotus flowers bloom in the water and start floating in and around the path in which the boat is moving through the water.
We should mention that the blossoming of several Lotus flowers as the boat moves towards the rising sun is again indicating Ra, the sun god of the ancient Egypt who was born from within the Lotus flower in Egyptian mythology. Thus, both the rising sun and the blooming of the Lotuses are in the sense of the rebirth of Ra, the sun god of the ancient Egypt. 1
References:[Quran Chapter 30:5-6] 5. In Allah's support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. 6. The promise of Allah—Allah never breaks His promise, but most people do not know.