Once Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) was leaving Kufa – (the then capital of his caliphate in Arabia) – to go to a place called Nahrawan in order to quash the rebellion of the Kharijites. One of his companions by the name Aleef told him not to undertake the journey just then. Why? Because according to the findings of astrology, it was not an auspicious moment, and this journey would not end into victory. Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) replied in these words:
“Do you think you can tell the hour when a man goes out and no evil befall him or can warn of the time at which if one goes out harm will accrue? Whoever testifies to this falsifies the Qur’an and becomes unmindful of Allah in achieving his desired objective and in warding off the undesirable.
You cherish saying this so that he who acts on what you say should praise you rather than Allah because according to your misconception you have guided him about the hour in which he would secure benefit and avoid harm.” 1
After replying to Aleef, Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) turned towards those who had gathered there and said:
“O’ People! Beware of learning the science of stars except that with which guidance is sought on land or sea, because it leads to divining and an astrologer is a diviner, while the diviner is like the sorcerer, the sorcerer is like the unbeliever and the unbeliever would be in Hell. Get forward in the name of Allah.”
Contrary to the astrologer’s advice, Ali bin Abi Talib proceeded at the same moment to Nahrawan and returned victorious from that war. Millions of people in the world have the tendency of consulting horoscopes inorder to seek informatian about the future trends of their lives which they believe to be under the influence of the movement of stars and planets.
In our African Society, we have a section of people who frequently consult the so called MWALIMUS or WITCHDOCTORS to seek the secrets of their sufferings and to find out the future outcome of their ills.
These people suffer from superstitions, psycholgical fears or imaginary sicknesses. The MWALIMUS OR WITCHDOCTORS who consider themselves to be the experts on prediction based on the movement of stars, have some set imaginary answers and cures to offer and in so doing they go on minting money from the ignorant people.
How strange it is to suppose that our business, adventures, our health, our life and death are predetermined by the position of the stars and planets and are under the influence of their movement? What is overlooked is the fundamental fact that both man and the heavenly bodies – the stars – the sun – the moon etc., are under the indisputable authority of the Creator Allah. Man’s desting present and future well-being is all controlled by Him and Him alone. It is one of those human weakness of enslaved mentality which tend to bow down to a body created like himself rather than recognize and have faith in the full and supreme authority of the Creator Allah.
But why is it that so many people, including the educated and intelligent, are willing to place their faith on what the astrologers have to say?
The answer is, that day by day, tremendous vacuum is occuring in the lives of many who previously truly believed in God. Worldly pleasure and occupations have so much overtaken their minds that they can hardly pause to think and recognize the true aim of life and the Supreme Powers of the LIFE – GIVER.
As such, they become desperate and inorder to find some sort of peace for the disturbed mind, they doing to anything that may possibly give them some sort of consolation. Humanbeings, by nature, must have something in which to believe, and in the absence of a meaningful faith in God, reliance is place on superstition, occultation, magic, witchcraft, etc.
Astrology does not demand its followers to go to church or mosque nor perform rituals nor adhere to any moral commandments. All one has to do is to buy newspapers or books and follow up what is published about the horoscopes. Or at times. approach an astrologer or a Mwalimu, pay his fees of a few shillings and seek information about the future.
During the times of Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq (A.S.), discussion and debates on various sciences in the world (and particularly in Arabia) were at their peak. People of different beliefs and religions used to attend discourses by the Imam. One of those sciences dwelt upon was astrology and the Imam expressly asked the people not to believe in it.
Abdul Malik bin Aayun was counted among one of the great traditionalists as well as scholars in Islam. He was also an expert in astrology; and had strong faith in the effect of the positions and movements of the stars on daily lives of human beings. He had accumulated a number of books on this subject and was always referring to them. Before taking any decision or starting any work, he would make astrological calculations to find out what guidance and trend he could get from the position of the stars.
Gradually it became his habit; and not even a small piece of work could be done without prior astrotogical calculations. Day by day he became more and more mentally engrossed in basing all his actions on the good or bad omen of the stars. He became jealous of the people who accomplished their daily work by having confidence in God and who never worried about the positions of stars.
Once he explained his trouble to Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq (A.S.) who expressed his surprise that Abdul Malik had this undesirable habit and told him: “I command you to go and set fire to all those books”
He went and did as he was told. Thus he released himself from the burden of mythical and imaginery influence of stars, and then he felt at ease and quite relaxed in doing all his works by relying on God.
Hasheena state that he approached Imam Jaffer Al Sadiq (A.S.) and said to him that there lived a man on their Island, who could reveal to them unknown matters, for example where and with whom stolen goods are lying.
The Imam responded by saying:
“The Holy Prophet (S.A. W.) has said that one who goes to ask about anything from magician, soothsayer or a liar and believes in what he says certainly becomes an infidel (unbeliever) and denier of all the heavenly scriptures revealed by Allah”
The fact is that an astrologer, soothsayer magician or any type of fortune teller poses as a divine person, who thinks that he can forecast one’s benefit or harm through the art of astrology thus, instead of praying to Almighty Allah for warding off calamities and misfortunes, or offering thanks to Allah for bounties HE has bestowed, he becomes indifferent and self confident in every matter.
Should he by chance prove successful in some of his forecasts, he would expect to be praised and be depended upon by more and more people. This leads to atheism and is against the spirit of the teachings of the Holy Qura’n in which the Almighty Allah says:
“Say: No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen but Allah; and they do not know when they shall be raised.” (27:65)
Thus to approach fortune-tellers, palmists, astrologers and such others who claim to have power to peep into future and to know of hidden matters is to display lack of true faith in the Will of Allah, It is against the teachings of Islam and leads to infidelity. 2