Words Of Allah And His Messenger About The Qaim (Imam Mahdi) As Narrated By Shia And Sunni (Part 1)
“We the children of Abdul Muttalib are the chiefs of Paradise dwellers; the Messenger of Allah, Hamza, the chief of the martyrs, Ja’far with two wings, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain, and the Mahdi.”Ghaibat Tusi narrates an identical tradition through Muhammad bin Ali from Uthman bin Ahmad from Ibrahim bin Abdullah Hashmi from Hasan bin Fadhl Busrani from Saad Ibne Abdul Hamid and on as above. 1 “The Hour shall not stand until our Qaim uprises. And that will be when Allah, the Glorified, gives him permission. Whoever follows him will find salvation and whoever falls behind, will perish. For Allah’s sake, for Allah’s sake! ServantsRead More →