Attributes, Traits And Lineage Of Imam Zaman (A.S.) (Part 2)
Ghaibat Nomani: Ibne Uqdah has narrated from Yahya bin Zakariya from Yunus bin Kalib from Muawiyah bin Hisham from Sabah from Saalim Ashal from Hasin Taghlabi that he said: “I met Abu Ja’far (a.s.)…” and then he mentions a similar tradition, except that he said: Then Abu Ja’far (a.s.) looked at me when he had finished his words and said: “Did you memorize this or should I write them for you.” I said: “If you would like so, please.” Then he called for a sheet of skin or a paper and wrote it and gave it to me. Salim Ashal says: Hasin took the writingRead More →
The Promised Saviour
In The Name Of Allah أَلسَّلٰامُ عَلَیکَ یٰا عَلی اِبنِ موسَی أَلرّضٰآ أَلمُرتَضٰی السلام علیکَ یا قائمَ آلِ محمد عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف Welcome! Your feedback and comments are welcome and will assist in the future development of the following study. The purpose of this questionnaire is to measure people’s information and opinions about the Promised Saviour. This questionnaire was created based on academic researches and your opinions and answers about the questions of this survey are respected. By answering the questions of this survey, you will take an important step for future researches. Thank you very much and God bless. “Our deepest fearRead More →