Allah, the most high, manages this world in an organized and wise fashion. For every occurrence there is a reason and it would be impossible to reach one’s goals except by using these causes and determined methods. Marriage and choosing a spouse are very important matters in Allah’s viewpoint. Hence, the qualities of a suitable spouse have been mentioned in the Quran (Quran, 24:26 and 66:5) and traditions from the infallibles (a). In addition to this, a man who wants to find a spouse must try to find a spouse that is similar to him (in intellectual, cultural, social, and economic affairs). The path toRead More →

One of the most important duties which the Shia must shoulder and undertake during the period of occultation is pray to Allah to hasten the reappearance of Imam Mahdi as well as for his wellbeing and safety. There is no doubt that one can pray to Allah in any way he can, no matter what the language of prayer and supplication since it is listened and accepted by Allah. What is important is the spirit of the supplication and the conditions which the supplications must meet.Meanwhile, it goes without saying that the reported supplications which have been transmitted on the tongue of the Holy Ahlulbayt (familyRead More →