What is the reason that whenever the name “Qa’im (a.s.)” is mentioned all Shi’as rise in respect?
It is a practice among the Shi’as that whenever the name “Qa’im (a.s.)” is pronounced in their gatherings, all of them stand up in reverence. Though this action is not established as an obligatory one, it is prevalent as a highly recommended act for expressing deference for the beloved Imam (a.t.f.s.).Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked, “What is the reason for standing while mentioning the title al-Qa’im?”He (a.s.) replied:“Sahib al-‘Amr (a.s.) will have a long occultation. Whenever he will be addressed by the title al-Qa’im, due to the intense love which his followers will have for him, they will remember his noble era and express sorrowRead More →