Firstly, the earth getting filled with oppression is not the only decisive and unchangeable course for ‘Zuhoor’ (Reappearance). Rather, Reappearance has another course too, which lies in the people’s readiness in accepting the just and universal government of Imam. Secondly, the two realities of ‘oppression’ and ‘filled’ are “relative” issues. Thirdly, the mind, the innate nature as well as the civilized call of all prophets and Imams have always been this: ‘Even if the entire world is engulfed in corruption and oppression, one should never withhold from reforming the individual and society.’ Experience too reveals the fruits of these great personalities’ endeavours at such sensitive timesRead More →

Some of the traditions concerning Imam-e-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) describe that time would not turn him old, and he would continue to look young. In one of the traditions it has come down as follows: “Aba Salte Haravi I asked Imam Reza (a.s.): ‘What is the sign of your Qaem (so that one can recognize him)? Hazrat Reza (a.s.) replied: Amongst the signs is that he would be old age, but would look young in appearance. Anyone looking at him would imagine him to be forty or even less. Amongst his other sign is that time would never turn him old until death meets him.” (Muntakhab-ul-Athar: 284, traditionRead More →

The precise reply calls for preliminary traditions concerning various topics as follows: First: Traditions that talk about signs and groundwork for Imam’s ‘Zuhoor’: Once, the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) addressed the attendants as follows: “How would it be when your women turn lewd and your youth adulterers and you will forsake enjoining the good and forbidding the evil?” The attendants said: O messenger of Allah! Will such an incident ever occur?! He replied: “Yes, even worse than this would occur! How you would be when good shall be presented as evil and evil as good….?” (Muntakhab-ul-Athar: 426, tradition 3) Also, Asbagh-ibn-Nubateh narrates from Amir-ul-Mu’mineen (a.s.): “At theRead More →

There is no verse or tradition saying that Imam (a.t.f.s.) would cast aside advanced technology, or whenever he reappears the technology at man’s disposal would fail to function. Besides, it wasn’t the practice of holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) and Imams (a.s.) to avoid using technology or craft prevailing at their respective times. So Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) too would follow the practice of his forefathers. On the basis of traditions that talk about the power and strength of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and his companions, we can say: Other than the unseen powers, they would also benefit from prevailing means. But we can not pass any definite judgementRead More →

In response to the foregoing question, we must mention a few points: A) We have enquired the office of late Ayatollah Bahjat about whether or not the Ayatollah had said those words and they denied that he had said them. Instead, His Eminence had said that whenever difficulties and problems increase, then the time of reappearance is near (“اذا اشتد الامر قرب الفرج”). This saying by Ayatollah Bahjat is derived from a narration which says: “Before the reappearance, the seditions become visible and the world will be filled with oppression and injustice.” B) When it comes to fixing the time of the reappearance of theRead More →


A thorough analysis of the theological basis of Mahdiism (the belief in Imam Mahdi as and his coming) calls for a detailed and profound discussion which we will leave for another time. Here, we will briefly mention a portion of the basis of this concept and belief: Great theologians link the concept of Mahdiism to the “Law of Grace” which is a famous one in theology and have proven the necessity of the existence of an imam through this law. Khajeh Nasiruddin Tusi, a great Muslim theologian says:  انحصار اللطف فیه معلوم للعقلاء و وجوده لطف و تصرفه آخر و عدمه منا (Kashful-Murad, pg. 363.)Read More →


1- The rise of Imam Zaman (as) is one of the most important incidents to take place in this world, to the extent that he has been given the title of “The Promised one of all Religions” and “The Universal Reformist to the People of the World”. 2- Since his appearance is of so much significance, it must be accompanied by signs that have never taken place before, like the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which was accompanied by several extraordinary signs. 3- The reasons and benefits of such signs can be summarized in the following: a) Some of these signs are so great thatRead More →


Your question concerning the reappearance of the Imam of Time can be investigated around four focal points: First: The signs for his coming are categorized into different groups, one of them being their classification into “certain” and “uncertain” signs: According to some hadiths, five signs are considered “certain” which we will mention them cursorily: Abu Hamzah Thumali says: “I told Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) that his father, Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) once said: “The emergence of an individual by the name of Sufyani is for sure, the echo of a call from the skies is also for sure, as is the rise of the sun from theRead More →


Answer: Its main and real reason is not clear to us; but noticing some points makes Mecca a suitable place for the Reappearance: 1. Mecca and the Kaaba has been the Kiblah (praying direction) of Muslims and people, every day, notice that holy place many times and prostrate towards it. 2. The Kaaba and Mecca are holy places wherein honorable divine prophets from Adam (PBUH) toMuhammad (PBUH) have been presented by the order of Allah and have shown their submission inaddition to performing pilgrimage. 3. Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the place where he was appointed to prophecy. Maybe the ReappearanceRead More →


Since the question above is too vague and general and has not specified a certain aspect of Imam Mahdi’s (AJ) life, we have decided to take a brief glimpse at the life of the twelfth Imam, mention a few prophecies of the Quran and traditions regarding Imam Mahdi and finally conclude with listing a number of signs of his reappearance. The twelfth Imam is named the same as the Prophet (S.A.); meaning “Muhammad” (I’lam al-Wara, pg. 417.), but according to the traditions from the Imams (A.S.) it has been made forbidden to say his name. He has many titles some of which are Mahdi, Muntadhar,Read More →