The wordings that appear in tradition says: كلنا واحد من نور واحد (Bihar-ul-Anwar 26: 16 & 281) It implies that they nurture from one source of light. In their original creation, they are from one light. In the world of spirits and shadow, their derivation is from one source leading to one truth. That “نور واحد ” one light refers to the light of Allah’s Greatness. Traditions say that the souls or spirits of Imams (a.s.) are higher than “Elliyeen” (A special luminous material that forms the main source of creation of those nearest to Allah and we haven’t adequate information on this subject.) and theirRead More →


The term “faraj” means remedy or improvement or relief from grief and sorrow. (Ibn Manzur, Muhammad bin Mukram, Lisan al-Arab, vol.2, p.343,  term “al-Faraj”, Dar Sadir Publications, Beirut, Third  Edition, 1414 A.H; Turaihi, Fakhruddin, Majma’ al-Bahrain, researcher and editor: Sayyid Ahmad, vol.2, p.323, Murtazawi Bookstore Publications, Tehran, 3rd edition, 1416 A.H.) The hadith books which include this term and also duas and deeds (a’amāl) have referred to the same meaning.   We suffice to mentioning a few examples of duas which have been named “dua Faraj” or “Namaz-e Faraj”:1. A dua, which has also been called “Dua Faraj”, has been narrated from the Holy Prophet (S) as such: «اللَّهُمَّRead More →


In order to enter the main discussion and draw a precise conclusion, it would be necessary to first read the following preface. Knowledge of Imam (a.s.): If we examine the resources and teachings available concerning the traits and characteristics of the pure Ahlul-Bayt (a.s.), it is clearly inferred that the infallible Imams are informed about people’s actions and deeds, and in specific situations and circumstances, they take action to guide them and mend their behavior. Given the Imam’s important responsibility in terms of Islamic insight in the system of the universe and in the Islamic society and that the people are under the obligation toRead More →

Imamate is the continuation of prophethood (Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi, Amuzeshe Aqaid, pg. 306.) and the imam is one who possesses all of the attributes of the prophet, albeit receiving divine revelation from its sources. So the imam has three major responsibilities, as does the prophet (Mohammad Husein Tabatabai, Shia dar Islam, pg.176.): 1- Taking measures for establishing an Islamic government and freeing the people of oppressive ones 2- Spreading divine teachings amongst the people 3- Guiding the people to the straight path The three abovementioned are the most important of their responsibilities. Nevertheless, if certain social circumstances or the weakness of the Muslims don’t allow the imamRead More →

“Raj’ah” literally means ‘to return’, and in Islamic terms, refers to the return of certain people from the dead. These people may consist of dedicated believers and pure mushriks (polytheists) alike. It has been narrated that after the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam (aj) and his establishment of a global Islamic government and prior to the Day of Judgment, certain individuals will be raised from their graves and brought back to this world. Belief in the raj’ah, is a principle founded in the Ahlul Bayt’s school of thought and is founded upon numerous narrations and verses of the Quran. Some of those narrations and verses will be mentionedRead More →