The existence of good and pious people is not the absolute condition for ‘Zuhoor’, though it paves the way for it. The very basis of ‘Zuhoor’ depends on Allah’s Will and Wisdom. Allah’s Will is the absolute and decisive cause of ‘Zuhoor’ that fixes measures and ratifies it. The people’s mental and spiritual preparedness is the groundwork for that ‘Zuhoor’. Whenever they are prepared and pray and Allah also Wills so, Hazrat will manifest himself. We cannot say, “Why doesn’t he come despite the presence of pious people? Rather it’s our duty to pray and supplicate. The pious ones must pray for hastening his reappearance.Read More →

The precise reply calls for preliminary traditions concerning various topics as follows: First: Traditions that talk about signs and groundwork for Imam’s ‘Zuhoor’: Once, the holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) addressed the attendants as follows: “How would it be when your women turn lewd and your youth adulterers and you will forsake enjoining the good and forbidding the evil?” The attendants said: O messenger of Allah! Will such an incident ever occur?! He replied: “Yes, even worse than this would occur! How you would be when good shall be presented as evil and evil as good….?” (Muntakhab-ul-Athar: 426, tradition 3) Also, Asbagh-ibn-Nubateh narrates from Amir-ul-Mu’mineen (a.s.): “At theRead More →

All the duties that Muslims are charged with are undertaken by Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in their highest forms. He fulfils the best of it, and personally performs whatever he invites others towards it. In Islam, a deed performed by one for another is not accepted. Rather, every Muslim has an independent and separate duty, aside from few exclusive duties borne by the holy prophet and Imams. The level and work of anyone depends on his responsibility, ability and duty. Imam-e-Zaman’s exclusive responsibility is to implement the Islamic ordinances all over the earth; uproot tyranny and oppression from the earth and hoist the banner of IslamRead More →

Many of the Islamic teachings and religious precepts have been changed by wrong interpretations and explanations. The factor behind these changes and distortions are the malicious motives and mean desires of people and governments, who in the course of history, have paved the way for establishing their authority and opening the path of playing with religious creed and realities. The ‘Ghaibat’ (concealment) of the ‘Hujjah’, who is the genuine interpreter of Qur’an, has turned into an appropriate opportunity for the wrongdoings. Distortion of most of orders began just after from the holy prophet’s era and would continue till the time of ‘Zuhoor’. One of theRead More →

Imam (a.t.f.s.) would invite them to their own Books, and would judge on the basis of their Books till the time they bring faith in Hazrat and turn Muslims. Verily, his reasoning would be based on divine Books but the un-distorted ones. It has come down in traditions that he would draw out the Torah, Injeel and other past divine books from the cave of Entakia and would argue by them. (Bihar-ul-Anwar 52:351) However, the rule would be an Islamic rule. The government would be taken care by Islamic rules and regulations. Everything would be with Islam and Imam (a.t.f.s.) would debate with the peopleRead More →

Traditions do talk about the economic welfare and people’s means of livelihood during Imam’s era. It should be noted that his economic model would differ from the well-known models of today. Islam is independent in all its rules and precepts and except for a sound natural disposition it does not rely on any human system. Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), who is the complete Islam and Qur’an will fully put into practice the very true and real Islam. The verses of Qur’an and traditions teach us points which we shall set forth here along with some introduction. In the Islamic system and order, there exist three mainRead More →

There is no verse or tradition saying that Imam (a.t.f.s.) would cast aside advanced technology, or whenever he reappears the technology at man’s disposal would fail to function. Besides, it wasn’t the practice of holy prophet (s.a.w.a.) and Imams (a.s.) to avoid using technology or craft prevailing at their respective times. So Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) too would follow the practice of his forefathers. On the basis of traditions that talk about the power and strength of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and his companions, we can say: Other than the unseen powers, they would also benefit from prevailing means. But we can not pass any definite judgementRead More →

What is meant by connection? Do you mean spiritual and heartily connection or physical connection? By apparent connection is meant we should have relationship and social mingling with Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) (who lives in the society and sees us and we too see him but do not recognize him). This type of connection is not possible during“major concealment”. It has come in traditions that people see him, but do not recognize him. (Kafi 1:337, tradition 6.) So anyone claiming that he can have apparent connection as per his own free-will is something unacceptable. About spiritual connection, the Almighty Allah describes it in the following verse fromRead More →

The sentence: يملأُ الأرض عدلا كما ملئت جورا has come down in traditions in various forms. In the noble book ‘Bihar-ul-Anwar’ alone, 31 cases have been recorded with slight variations in their expressions. However, the contents and contexts of expression of none of these traditions reveal that oppression is pre-condition to ‘Zuhoor’. Rather it expresses one of the two positions: The first position is the position of goodness and piety and the second one the position of oppression and corruption. Position or background is one thing and pre-condition another thing. The below example brings nearer the concept of tradition: You inform your friend, ‘I willRead More →

To provide spiritual reward of good deeds (other than obligatory acts) to Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), gifting of recommendable acts, or their performance on behalf of Hazrat or other Imams (a.s.) and holy prophet (s.a.w.a.); financial servings like giving alms or serving food to the poor for gaining Hazrat’s satisfaction; ‘Nazr’ (vows and oblations) for Imam Husain (a.s.) and Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) are all from one class and category. Regarding this issue, one must pay attention to few important points: 1. In performing a good deed and presenting its reward to an immaculate Imam, we are only following the directives of traditions. Traditions specify that peopleRead More →