There exists difference of opinion in numerous vital historical events and incidents such as births, martyrdoms, wars and reign. Difference about birth of someone who was born at the time when tyrant rulers kept strict vigilance over him is something natural. It is likely that in order to save Hazrat’s life and out of dissimulation, the Imams (a.s.) celebrated his birth with such differences and they didn’t reveal its actual truth. Obviously, if the Imams (a.s.) had exactly specified the date before Hazrat’s birth or even at the time of his birth, then the state of Imam Hasan Askari’s family who were severely besieged wouldRead More →

The answer to this question lies in the explanation of what the reason for Imam Mahdi’s (aj) occultation is, what it means to truly await his return, and what the benefits of a present imam [although unseen] are. But before getting started, this point must be made that the true main reason for Imam Mahdi’s occultation, as mentioned in hadiths, is a secret that only Allah (swt) knows of exactly. (Biharul-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 91.) Nevertheless, we can try to discover some of the other reasons behind it with the help of hadiths and our own thought. These reasons can be divided into two categories: 1-Read More →

Before answering this question, explaining some hadithic terms is necessary: A) Mutawatir Hadith: Mutawatir literally means for things to come one after another, without any interval between them and in hadithic terms, refers to a hadith that has been narrated by a group of narrators that one can be definite haven’t all agreed on forging and lying about altogether. Any hadith with such a trait will surely make its reader certain that it is true. In other words, Shia scholars consider a hadith mutawatir, when the number of narrators in every level of its chain of narrators reach a degree in which causes complete satisfaction and certaintyRead More →