- Ikmaaluddin: It is narrated from Ibne Mutawakkil from Ali bin Ibrahim from Muhammad bin Isa from Salih bin Muhammad from Hani Tamr that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“The Patron of this Affair will have a disappearance. So the servant should fear Allah and cling on to his religion.” 1
- Ikmaaluddin: It is narrated from Daqqaq from Asadi from Nakhai from Naufili from Ibne Bataini from his father from Abu Basir that:
I heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) say, “The customs the apostles went through in terms of their disappearances will materialize in the Qaim of us, the Ahle Bayt in the precise and same manner.”
Abu Basir says, I said to him, “O son of Allah’s Messenger, and who is the Qaim of you Ahle Bayt?” He said: “O Abu Basir, he is the fifth from the sons of my son Musa. He is the son of the mistress of slave girls. He will have an occultation in which invalidators will doubt. Then Allah, the Exalted, will manifest him and will conquer on his hands the easts of the earth and its wests. Ruhallah Isa Ibne Maryam (a.s.) will come down and pray behind him. The earth will shine with the illumination of its Lord. There will be no spot on earth on which a deity other than Allah, the Exalted, is worshipped, and the religion entirely will be for Allah, even if the infidels may dislike this. 1
- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from a group from Bazufari from Ahmad bin Idris from Ibne Qutaibah from Fadhl from Ibne Abi Najran from Safwan from Abu Ayyub from Abu Basir that he said:
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said: “If you hear of a disappearance with regard to your Patron, do not reject it.” 1
- Ghaibat Tusi: It is narrated from Ahmad bin Idris from Ali bin Fadhl from Ahmad bin Uthman from Ahmad bin Rizq from Yahya bin Alaa Raazi that he said:
I heard Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) say, “Allah will bring forth in this Ummah a man who belongs to me and I belong to him. Allah will drive the blessings of the heavens and the earth through him. The heavens will rain down its drops; and the earth will grow out its seeds: and its beasts and brutes will live in harmony; and it will be full of equity and justice, as it had been replete with oppression and injustice. He will put so many on the sword that the ignorant will say, ‘If he was from the progeny of Muhammad, he would be merciful.” 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Muhammad bin Hamam from Ahmad bin Mabandad from Muhammad bin Sinan from Kahili from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:
“Be nice to each other, do kindness to one another, and have compassion to one another. I swear by the One Who split the seed and created the people, a time will come to you when no one of you will find a place for his dinar and dirham to spend, for the lack of need of all the people with the blessing of Allah and the blessing of his Wali” I asked: “When will that happen?”
He said: “This will happen when you miss your Imam and you will continue to remain in that state until he rises over you the way the sun rises. Wherever you may be, beware of doubt and suspicion! Reject doubts from your hearts. You have been warned so abstain. I beseech Allah for your success and your guidance.” 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Abdul Wahid bin Abdullah from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Rabah from Ahmad Ibne Ali Himyari from Husain bin Ayyub from Abdul Karim Khathami from Muhammad bin Isaam from Mufaddal bin Umar that he said:
I was sitting with Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) in his sitting room and there were other people with me as well. He said to us, “Take care not to mention him by name,” meaning the Qaim (a.s.) and I was seeing he meant to say this to the others. Then he said to me, “O Abu Abdullah, beware not to mention him by name. By Allah, he will disappear for years. He will be forgotten until it will be said: He is dead, perished or gone to some valley. The eyes of the believers will shed tears over him and they will be turned over like a ship is turned over by the waves of the sea and no one will be saved except the one from whom Allah has taken covenant and has inscribed faith in his heart and has endorsed him with a spirit from Himself.
Twelve bewildering standards will be raised; not known which is from whom.” Mufaddal Ibne Umar says: I cried. He said to me, “Why are you crying.” “May I be your ransom,” said I, “how would I not cry while you are saying twelve bewildering standards will raised not known which is one from whom?” He eyed towards the window in the room from which the sun was shining into his sitting room. He said: “Is this sun luminous?” I said: “Yes.” He said: “By Allah, our position will be more luminous (obvious) than that.” 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Muhammad bin Hamam from Hameed bin Ziyad from Hasan bin Muhammad bin Samaa from Ahmad bin Hasan Mithami from Zaid bin Qudamah from some of his people from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:
“When the Qaim rises, people will say, How could this be? Even his bones must have decayed.“ 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ali bin Husain from Muhammad bin Yahya from Muhammad bin Hasan Raazi from Muhammad bin Ali Kufi from Yunus bin Yaqub from Mufaddal bin Umar that:
I asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.), “What is the sign of the Qaim?” He said: “When times pass much and it is said: He is dead, perished gone to some valley.” I asked: “May I be your ransom, “Then what will happen?” He said: “He will not appear but with the sword.” 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Uqdah from Qasim bin Muhammad bin Husain bin Hazim from Abdullah bin Hisham Nashiri from Abdullah bin Jabla from Fudhail Saigh from Muhammad bin Muslim that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“When people lose the Imam, they will remain for ages not knowing one thing from other. Then Allah will manifest their Master to them.” 1
- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Ali bin Ahmad from Abdullah bin Musa from Hasan bin Muawiyah from Ibne Mahbub from Khallad bin Qassar that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) was asked:
“Has the Qaim been born?” He said: “No. If I lived in his times, I would serve him for all days of my life.” 1
- Iqbalul Amaal: Sayyid Ibne Tawus has narrated through his chains from Abu Ja’far Tusi from a group from Talakbari from Ibne Hamam from Jamil from Qasim bin Ismail from Ahmad bin Rabah from Abu Faraj Aban bin Muhammad alias Sindi that:
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) was in Hajj in the year in which he stepped under the Mizab (water-spout at Kaaba). As he was praying, Abdullah Ibne Hasan was on his right, Hasan Ibne Hasan on his left, and Ja’far Ibne Hasan was behind him. Ibad Ibne Kathir Basri came and said: “O Aba Abdullah.”
The Imam remained silent until he had said it three times. Then he said to the Imam, “O Ja’far.” The Imam said: “Say what you want to say, O Abu Kathir.”
“I have found in a book of mine the knowledge of this structure,” he said.
“A man will destroy it stone by stone.” The Imam said: “Your book has lied, O Abu Kathir. On the contrary, I see, by Allah, the man with yellow steps, injured on the legs, big in the abdomen, thin in the neck, thick in the head, over this Rukn,” and he pointed to the Yemeni Rukn, “prohibiting the people from circumambulating as they are intimidated by him. Then Allah will send a man from me,” and he pointed to his chest. “He will kill him like the killing of the Ad and Thamud and Firon, the lord of the spikes.” At that point, Abdullah Ibne Hasan said: “By Allah, Abu Abdullah has spoken the truth.”
They all endorsed his veracity then. It is narrated from the handwriting of Shaheed Awwal (a.s.) on the authority of Abul Walid from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) with regard to the statement qad qamat ai-salah, “The rise of the Qaim (a.s.) has been implied by this.” 1
- Muqtadhib: It is narrated from Muhammad bin Ja’far Admi and Ibne Ghalib Hafiz from Ahmad bin Ubaid bin Nasih from Husain bin Alwan from Hamam bin Harith from Wahab Ibne Munabbah that:
References:[Quran Chapter 30:5-6] 5. In Allah's support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. 6. The promise of Allah—Allah never breaks His promise, but most people do not know.Musa (a.s.) looked on the night of the Conversation at every tree and at every stone and plant at Mount Tur. They were all speaking the remembrance of Muhammad and his Twelve Heirs after him. Musa said: “My Lord, I do not see anything You have created but it speaks the names of Muhammad and his Twelve Heirs. What is their position before you?” “O son of Imran,” came the reply, “I created them before the creation of the lights and placed them in the treasure trove of My sanctity, as they are nourished in the garden of My will and breathed from the spirit of My majesty and observed the horizons of My Kingdom, until I desired My will and implemented my rule and measure. O son of Imran, I have given them a promotion so I will adorn My Gardens through them. O son of Imran adhere to their remembrance, for they are the treasures of My knowledge, coffers of My wisdom, and springs of My illumination.” Husain Ibne Alawan says, I mentioned this to Ja’far Ibne Muhammad (a.s.). He said: “That is correct. They are the Twelve from Aale Muhammad (a.s.): Ali, Hasan, Husain, Ali Ibne Husain, Muhammad Ibne Ali and the ones whom Allah desires”. I said: “May I be your ransom, I beseech you to relate the truth to me.” He said: “I, and this son of mine,” pointing to his son, Musa, “and the fifth from his sons, whose person will disappear and mentioning his name will not be permissible.” 1